4517.0 - Prisoners in Australia, 2015  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 15/04/2016   
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At 30 June 2015, males made up the majority of federal prisoners and parolees in all of the selected states and territories. (Tables 36 and 46)


At 30 June 2015, median ages of federal prisoners in the selected states and territories ranged between 39 years in Western Australia to 47 years in the Australian Capital Territory. (Table 36)

Between 30 June 2014 and 30 June 2015, Queensland had the largest percentage increase in median age for prisoners, rising by 6% (from 39 to 42 years of age) whilst Western Australia had the largest decrease, down 11% (from 44 to 39 years of age). (Tables 39 and 41)

Median ages of federal parolees at 30 June 2015 were similar across the selected states and territories, ranging from 45 years in New South Wales to 49 years in Queensland. (Table 46)


Australian-born prisoners made up the majority of federal prisoners at 30 June 2015 in Queensland (63% of federal prisoners) and South Australia (65%). (Table 37)

Graph Image for PROPORTION OF FEDERAL PRISONERS, Country of birth by selected states and territories, 30 June 2015

Source(s): Prisoners in Australia

The proportion of Australian-born federal parolees at 30 June 2015 ranged from 34% of federal parolees in New South Wales to 67% in Queensland. (Table 47)

Graph Image for PROPORTION OF FEDERAL PAROLEES, Country of birth by selected states, 30 June 2015

Source(s): Prisoners in Australia


At 30 June 2015, the median aggregate sentence length varied across the selected states and territories, ranging from one year in Tasmania to seven years in the Australian Capital Territory. (Table 36)

The most common sentence length across selected states and territories was between five and 10 years. (Table 36)

Graph Image for PROPORTION OF FEDERAL PRISONERS, Aggregate sentence length by selected states, 30 June 2015

Source(s): Prisoners in Australia


At 30 June 2015, the median order length for parolees was similar across the selected states and territories, ranging from three years in New South Wales, South Australia and Western Australia to four years in Queensland. (Table 46)

Graph Image for PROPORTION OF FEDERAL PAROLEES, Order length by selected states, 30 June 2015

Source(s): Prisoners in Australia